🐤 Getting Started...

First Step

To get started with IsaDB2, first and foremost, you need to initialize (create an instance) to begin using it correctly.

The IsaDB2 library primarily uses asynchronous functions for its projects, always returning <Promises>.

I will also use CommonJS, but it's important to remember that IsaDB2 supports EcmaScript.

const IsaDB2 = require('isadb2')

In this example, I will use FUNCTIONS to initiate all the steps

async function main() { //creating a function `main`
    await IsaDB2.create() //creating the IsaDB2 instance

main() //executing the function

Set & Get

In IsaDB2, the main focus is on handling local databases. In this case, .set and .get are the main references.

const IsaDB2 = require('isadb2')

async function main() {
    await IsaDB2.create()
    await IsaDB2.set('foo', 'bar') //returns -> true
    await IsaDB2.set('object', {name: 'Lucas', surname: 'Gomes'}) //returns -> true
    //getting using method 1
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('foo')) //returns -> bar
    //getting using method 2
    IsaDB2.get('object').then(data => {
        console.log(data) //returns -> {name: 'Lucas', surname: 'Gomes'}



If you want to delete data from the database, the Delete function can come to the rescue.

const IsaDB2 = require('isadb2')

async function main() {
    await IsaDB2.create()
    await IsaDB2.set('foo', 'bar')
    await IsaDB2.set('object', {name: 'Lucas', surname: 'Gomes'})
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('foo'))
    IsaDB2.get('object').then(data => {
    await IsaDB2.delete('foo') //returns -> true
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('foo')) //returns -> null



IsaDB2 also works with notation within its strings to facilitate handling Objects within the database.

const IsaDB2 = require('isadb2')

async function main() {
    await IsaDB2.create()
    await IsaDB2.set('foo', 'bar')
    await IsaDB2.set('object', {name: 'Lucas', surname: 'Gomes'})
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('foo'))
    IsaDB2.get('object').then(data => {
    await IsaDB2.delete('foo')
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('foo'))
    console.log(await IsaDB2.get('object.name')) //returns "Lucas"
